Stations of the Cross is an ongoing series of exhibitions depicting the crucifixion of Christ, curated by Ben Moore, in support of the Missing Tom Fund.
‘Stations of the Cross’ 2014 and 2015 were held at St.Marylebone Church and at St.Stephen’s Walbrook Church in 2018.
The 40 day long exhibitions during the Easter period included works by Francis Bacon, Sebastian Horsley, Mat Collishaw, Wolfe Lenkiewicz, Polly Morgan, Paul Benney, Robin Mason, Charlie Mackesy, Alison Jackson and Antony Micallef.
Art Below showcased many of the works on billboard space at London Underground stations that had a resounding link to the theme including Kings Cross, Temple, Angel, Charing Cross and St.Paul’s.
Art Below presents 14 artists including Francis Bacon, Sebastian Horsley, Ricardo Cinalli and Paul Benney. The exhibition includes a sculpture of a white imperial stormtrooper from the original 1977 Star Wars film hung on a wooden cross, by Ryan Callanan (RYCA).
Art Below's 2015 'Stations of the Cross' Exhibition at London's St. Marylebone Parish Church included a body cast of Pete Doherty nailed to a cross and attracted media attention worldwide.
Art Below presents an exhibition of 20 artists’ representations of the Passion of Christ in
London's St. Marylebone's Parish Church for 40 days, in support of the Missing Tom Fund.
The works will be on display on billboard space across major London Underground Stations.
The Missing Tom Fund was started up in 2013 by Ben Moore to raise awareness and support for the ongoing search for his brother Thomas Moore who has been missing since 2003. He was aged 31 years old. His friends and family have not heard from him since then. With the support of the Missing People Charity his family continue to search for Tom. Exhibitions including Art Wars and Stations of the Cross have been in support of the Missing Tom Fund.
View website: missingtom.com
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